Giving FAQs

Q: Is it safe to give electronically?

Yes. We’ve taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure from beginning to end. All of your giving data is secured by SSL encryption. SSL is an acronym for “Secure Socket Layer,” a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. It is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as to keep your information safe and secure during transactions.

Q: What types of bank accounts can I give from?

You can give online from either your checking or savings account by clicking here. You can also give using a card through the Trinity App HERE.

Q: Are there any fees involved with giving online?

No, there are no fees involved in giving online or through the app. Standard text messaging rates apply from your carrier for Text to Give.

Q: Can I make a one-time contribution?

Yes. The system allows you the option of either making a one-time contribution, or setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to come out of your bank account or credit/debit card at the date you choose.

Q: If I want to set-up a recurring gift, what are my options for frequency of my gift?

For recurring gifts, you have many options to choose from - weekly, twice a month, every two weeks, or once a month.

Q: Can I change my personal information, the amount, or the frequency of my gift once I have set it up?

Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log in to the system using your user name and password, and make the necessary changes in the system. (Please keep in mind that, per IRS regulations, once a gift has been made to the church, it cannot be refunded.)

Q: Can I review my donation history online?

Yes. The site will allow you to view the history of your online contributions from the date of your initial gift.

Q: Will I still receive regular contribution statements?

Yes. You can retrieve your statement any time you desire by logging into your online giving account HEREContribution statements are no longer mailed unless specifically requested. If you require assistance in obtaining your statement, please contact the Business Office at 806 792-3363.

Q: When will contributions be taken from my account?

Contributions will be taken from your specified bank account within 48 business hours of the date you requested. This time frame allows time for the contribution to process through your bank and the church’s bank. If the date of your contribution falls on a weekend or a holiday, the transaction will be initiated on the next banking day.

Q: How will I know that I set up my gift correctly?

Immediately after setting up your contribution, you will receive an e-mail.

Q: Will I be able to give to special Trinity campaigns online?

During times when these campaigns are occurring, you will be able to give a one-time contribution to support the giving initiative or campaign.  In addition, you will be able to designate your gifts to any of the following funds:  Tithe & Offering, Building Fund, Benevolence/Outreach, Missions, Running2Rescue, and Heartline.


For any questions, concerns, or comments about the online giving system, please contact the Business Office by e-mail at or by phone at (806) 792-3363.  You will receive a response from our staff as soon as possible.